Modern Slavery Policy
Carwood is committed to conducting business responsibly and upholding the highest standards of ethical behavior. We recognise that modern slavery, in all its forms, including forced labor, bonded labor, and human trafficking, is a serious global issue that can exist within any supply chain. We are committed to playing our part in combating modern slavery and ensuring that it has no place within our organisation or those we work with.
Our Commitment
We are dedicated to fostering a workplace environment and culture where respect for human rights is integral to our operations and relationships. Our commitment to eliminating modern slavery is outlined in our policies and operational standards, which we continuously review to ensure they align with evolving industry best practices.
Organisational Structure
Carwood operates across various regions, offering automotive technical services and remanufacturing facilities covering diesel fuel injection, electronics, auto-electrical, turbocharger, air conditioning and heating systems, complemented by the distribution of specialised components for commercial vehicles, buses, coaches, military vehicles, heavy plant, cars and light vehicles including obsolescence management. As part of these activities, we recognise that there may be risks associated with modern slavery within our supply chains, particularly where sourcing involves complex supply networks or high-risk industries. We strive to address these risks through robust due diligence and supplier engagement.
Policies and Governance
Carwood has implemented the following policies to reinforce our stance against modern slavery:
- Supplier Code of Conduct: All suppliers must comply with our standards, including provisions against forced labor, and are subject to assessment and monitoring.
- Whistleblowing Policy: Employees and stakeholders are encouraged to report any concerns related to unethical or illegal practices, including suspected instances of modern slavery, without fear of retaliation.
- Recruitment and Employment Standards: Carwood’s recruitment processes ensure compliance with labor laws and standards, including the prohibition of bonded labor and exploitation.
Risk Assessment and Due Diligence
We evaluate and monitor the risk of modern slavery within our operations and supply chains through the following steps:
- Supplier Vetting and Audits: New and existing suppliers undergo assessments to ensure they meet our ethical standards. Higher-risk suppliers are prioritised for additional audits.
- Training and Awareness: We provide training for employees and managers, especially those involved in procurement and supply chain management, to raise awareness about modern slavery indicators and reporting mechanisms.
- Supply Chain Mapping: We continuously work to enhance transparency within our supply chains to identify high-risk areas where modern slavery could potentially occur.
Training and Capacity Building
Carwood invests in ongoing training programs that equip our employees with the knowledge and tools to identify and address signs of modern slavery. This training is updated annually to reflect changes in regulations, best practices, and emerging trends in combating modern slavery.
Continuous Improvement
We are committed to evaluating and enhancing our approach to modern slavery, including:
- Policy Reviews and Updates: We regularly review our policies to ensure alignment with legal requirements and industry standards.
- Performance Metrics: We track and report on key performance indicators, such as audit outcomes and the number of reports received through our whistleblowing mechanism.
- Stakeholder Engagement: We collaborate with stakeholders to share knowledge and strengthen anti-modern slavery practices across our industry.
Reporting Concerns
We encourage anyone who encounters unethical practices, including modern slavery, within our operations or supply chain, to report their concerns through our confidential reporting channels. All reports are taken seriously and addressed promptly.
Approval and Updates
This Modern Slavery Statement has been approved by the Board of Directors and is reviewed annually to reflect our ongoing commitment to combating modern slavery in our business and supply chains.
This statement, which is made for the financial year ending 31st August 2024, pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, has been approved by the Board of Directors of Carwood Motor Units Limited on 01st November 2024.
Kevin Mulholland
Managing Director
Carwood Motor Units Ltd.